Brine's Clutch Shafts

brine_banner_1 Over the past couple of years, Brine has become one of the top dogs in the world of lacrosse equipment manufacturers. With the release of their new clutch and clutch elite shafts they look to remain near the top too. These new shafts are awesome! Super light and strong to boot. First the Brine Clutch Shaft... made with Brine's SL2 alloy, this shaft was designed to be light and fast. Made with their friction grip, the stick has a natural full length grip that wont succumb to normal wear and tear that would ruin tape jobs. This stick also comes in attack and defensive lengths with seven different color options. Now for the Brine Clutch Elite Shaft.. as you might have guessed, this shaft is an upgraded version of the regular clutch shaft (listed above). The Clutch Elite boasts upgraded technologies that the regular clutch doesn't which aid it in being one of the lightest shafts Brine has ever produced. Forged from SL1 alloy, this stick offers added velocity and accuracy behind all shots and passes. However, it only comes in 30" and 3 different colors. Brine continues to innovate and their newest line of lacrosse shafts look nothing short of amazing. Both, the Clutch and Clutch Elite lacrosse shafts are now available at one of your local Universal Lacrosse locations or shop online at Universal Lacrosse.

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