If you are anything like me, you are a jack of all trades on the field. You have one primary position which you practice and play competitively. But during pick up-games or men's league you'll play wherever you can to get on the field (unfortunately its usually middie, lol). Here's a quick overview of my weapons of choice:
By trade I am a close defender. This has been my go-to for quite some time now. I originally fell in love with the Xcalibur but when the rule change came circa 2009 and heads had new specs, STX Lacrosse put out this bad boy. A direct decedent of the Xcal, I was destined to fall in love. The X10 is an extremely sturdy head and its pretty wide which makes it prime for GB's.
My secondary position is Long Stick Middie, so naturally I wanted a more offensive minded head for ball handling in transition. My back up is the Optik from Maverik Lacrosse. I found that the Optik is actually pretty sturdy and has some flex to match, but it isn't too pinched! So it is still excellent on groundballs while providing a little more added accuracy and velocity on shots and passes.
If you're a close defender at heart like me, you probably dread when teams ask if you can run some mid.... but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm rockin' a SPP+ on my shorty. STX's Super Power + has been a staple for more than 5 years now and it's easy to see why. I call it old faithful because its actually the head I've had the longest! IMO the ultimate offensive weapon, deadly accurate with good velocity. and flexible enough to be used for face offs.
In review, The X10, The Optik, and the Super Power Plus are all very reliable and very capable to serve you no matter what position you play! Competitively priced, you can come in to any Universal Lacrosse location or shop online at Universal Lacrosse for one of these bad boys or browse our entire selection of lacrosse heads.