With the new releases of the Warrior Warp Pro and the Warp Next, a lot of Warp users are curious as to whether or not Warrior will be coming out with new head models with the Warp pocket. Well, some videos have surfaced of Paul Rabil using a custom made Rabil head with a Warp Pocket in it. For the very few of you who are unfamiliar with Paul Rabil, he is probably the most prominent player in the sport. He shattered the worlds fastest shot record in 2010 with an unheard of 111 mph. He then signed with Warrior and started creating his own line of lacrosse products. His first head, the Warrior Rabil, was a success. He then created the Rabil 2 which is still used to date. It is a top selling head with many stringing options and an aggressive face shape.
Now with the new Warps providing unparalleled consistency and durability, it opens up a whole new world for Warrior's lacrosse heads. They started out putting the Warp in a new series of Evo heads. The evo is considered to be more of an attack specific head, allowing for a lower pocket for one handed cradles and minimal whip. With the Rabil head getting a makeover with a new Warp pocket it would mix the more midfield specific player head with the benefits of the warp pocket to create the best combination possible. I hope there will be high, mid, and low pocket options with whip options as well to really set this head apart from the previous Warps.