Man oh man the title says it all, Winter has finally hit and it is hitting hard! With the temperatures dropping everyday it is getting harder and hard to get out side to work on your game, but we all know that cold weather is no excuse to let that happen! Here are some tips to keep you warm for some preseason lax! My coaches always told me and my teammates that one of the most important things to take care of in the cold is our hands. With out your hands all of your stick skills basically become useless. No matter how much work you put into improving, your stick won't be able to do anything if your hands are painfully frozen.
There are plenty of ways to keep your hands warm, but one of my go to ideas was to wear surgical gloves underneath my lacrosse gloves. They're cheap enough to buy a bunch of them and they work great. By locking in your hands heat, the gloves allow your hands to use your own body temperature to keep them warm. They are also thin enough that they won't get in the way of your grip so you can still feel your stick as best as possible!
Another way to keep your hands warm in the colder months is to stuff hand-warmers in your lacrosse gloves. Some people aren't a fan of this method since the hand-warmers can get in the way of your stick and become more troublesome than beneficial. Luckily, the smart brains over at STX Lacrosse have given us a way out of this problem. The new STX Surgeon 500 Lacrosse Gloves have a "pocket" inside the back hand of the gloves that is the perfect size for a hand-warmer. This pocket provides a perfect space for that hand-warmer to fit so that it's not in the way of your stick and still keeps your mitts nice and toasty!
Another problem that occurs with colder weather is the shaft of you stick becoming and icicle. The metal of a lacrosse shaft can basically freeze if it gets cold enough which would not only make in extremely cold to touch but also make it more sustainable to breaking. One of the best ways around this cold feeling is to switch over to one of the many composite shafts that are out there on the market.
EPOCH Lacrosse's Dragonfly line is one of the most popular composite shaft lines available today. Since these shafts aren't made out of any type of metal material they stay nice and strong and won't freeze in your hands. Also being one of the best composite shafts out there doesn't hurt either.
No matter how you look at winter one thing is certain; cold is cold, and cold sucks. Hopefully with these few tips you'll be able to fight through the upcoming freezing months so you can stay laxing and stay warm!