Lacrosse StrinKing Enthusiasts, if you are not excited about this one then I am not sure what could pump you up.
@StringKing Lacrosse has teased out a few pieces of INFO on their Type 2+ mesh. So far we have seen, lighter, more consistent mesh each time StringKing lacrosse has put something out so we are thinking that this is going to be awesome.
If you check out their NEW Youtube video they have an inspiring video showing Rob Pannel aka RP3 ripping some corners, working out and a voice over that describes greatness. My favorite part of the video is the statement.
"The funny thing about GREATNESS is it's born when no ones watching and it tends to reveal itself in front of everyone."
Next time I am hitting the wall and on rep 99 the ball hits a brick and bounces downy the street and I think about calling it quits I am going to think about that, go chase it and start from 1 again... This is a great short flick by StringKing. See below news on Stringking's Type 2+ Performance Mesh. As soon as we have more details on the genetics of this product we will let you know.